Purchase And Store Keto-Friendly Baked Goods

Many bakeries feature low-carb products that can be enjoyed while following a ketogenic diet. Shop for products that were made with sugar substitutes and flour substitutes. Then, use some storage methods that will prevent bacterial growth and preserve freshness.

Sugar Substitutes

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that the body converts into glucose. Glucose provides the body with energy. Natural sugars are found in fruits and milk.

Refined sugars are processed sugars. Refined sugars come from cane and beets. The sugary juices are extracted from the plants. These juices are added to a wide range of packaged and fresh products. Too much sugar in a diet can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other physical problems.

Sugar substitutes do not contain as many carbs. Some sugar substitutes are calorie-free and carb free. Bakers who use sugar substitutes may feature keto-friendly cakes, pies, breads, and muffins.

Flour Substitutes

All-purpose flour, bleached flour, and unbleached flour contain a high carbohydrate content. Consuming flour spikes blood sugar levels. An increased blood sugar level can lead to weight gain.

The bran and germ are eliminated during the manufacturing of all-purpose flours and white flours. The elimination of the bran and germ reduces the nutrient content of a flour product.

Flour substitutes include coconut oil flour, almond flour, and buckwheat flour. The carbohydrate content in one of these flour products is less than what is found in an all-purpose, bleached, or unbleached product. A baker may use many different flour substitutes to prepare fresh-baked goods.

Flour substitutes may yield baked products that are denser than ones that were made with standard flour products. Tasting various baked goods that are each made with a different flour type will help you determine which flour substitute you like the best.


The texture of a keto-friendly baked good will influence the storage method that you should use to preserve the baked goods that you purchase. Moist products are prone to bacterial growth. Place moist products in sealable bags or on a tray that contains a cover. Arrange the bags or trays inside of your refrigerator or freezer compartment. 

Store dry cookies and biscuits inside of a bread box or on a countertop. If you have a lot of cookies or another baked product that you would like to store, separate the baked goods. Wrap each item independently. Use plastic wrap or individual plastic bags to preserve the freshness of each baked good.

For more information, visit a local bakery.
